An Unsettled Conquest – Geoffrey Plank

An Unsettled Conquest – Geoffrey Plank

The former French colony of Acadia—permanently renamed Nova Scotia by the British when they began an ambitious occupation of the territory in 1710—witnessed one of the bitterest struggles in the British empire. Author Geoffrey Plank is Professor of Early Modern History at University of East Anglia. He previously taught at the University of Cincinnati.

The Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears – Perdue & Green

The Cherokee Nation and the Trail of Tears – Perdue & Green

In 1830 the U.S. government shifted its policy from one of trying to assimilate American Indians to one of relocating them and proceeded to drive seventeen thousand Cherokee people west of the Mississippi. Authors THEDA PERDUE is a professor of history at the University of Kentucky. She is the author or editor of eight books,…

How the Irish Saved Civilization – Thomas Cahill

How the Irish Saved Civilization – Thomas Cahill

The story of how Europe evolved from the classical age of Rome to the medieval era. Without Ireland, the transition could not have taken place. Not only did Irish monks and scribes maintain the very record of Western civilization — copying manuscripts of Greek and Latin writers, both pagan and Christian, while libraries and learning…

This Republic of Suffering – Drew Gilpin Faust

This Republic of Suffering – Drew Gilpin Faust

More than 600,000 soldiers lost their lives in the American Civil War. An equivalent proportion of today’s population would be six million. In This Republic of Suffering, Drew Gilpin Faust reveals the ways that death on such a scale changed not only individual lives but the life of the nation. Author Catharine Drew Gilpin Faust…

All Over but the Shoutin’ – Rick Bragg

All Over but the Shoutin’ – Rick Bragg

Haunting, harrowing, moving recollection of a life on the American margin is the story of Rick Bragg, who grew up dirt-poor in northeastern Alabama, seemingly destined for either the cotton mills or the penitentiary, and instead became a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for The New York Times. Author Rick Bragg (1959) is an American journalist and…

The Old Ways – Robert MacFarlane

The Old Ways – Robert MacFarlane

The final book in his trilogy about landscape and the human heart. Robert Macfarlane reveals to us a forgotten world: routes, roads, trade routes and routes that pilgrims once followed. Author Robert Macfarlane is a British nature writer and literary critic. Educated at Nottingham High School, Pembroke College, Cambridge and Magdalen College, Oxford, he is…