The Stranger in the Woods – Michael Finkel

The Stranger in the Woods – Michael Finkel

On Saturday, September 23, 2023 the Larkes hosted our discussion of The Stranger in the Woods by Michael Finkel, which was proposed by Dick Malmquist. Carolyn recalls that we questioned the motives of the author in developing a “friendship” with the hermit. Was the author gathering information for a book all along? We talked of…

Patriots – A. J. Langguth

Patriots – A. J. Langguth

With meticulous research and page-turning suspense, Patriots brings to life the American Revolutionthe battles, the treacheries, and the dynamic personalities of the men who forged our freedom. Author A.J. “Jack” Langguth is Professor Emeritus of the the School of Journalism at the University of Southern California and an American author and journalist. In addition to…

A Midwife’s Tale – Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

A Midwife’s Tale – Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Drawing on the diaries of a midwife and healer in eighteenth-century Maine, this intimate history illuminates the medical practices, household economies, religious rivalries, and sexual mores of the New England frontier. Author Laurel Thatcher Ulrich is 300th Anniversary University Professor at Harvard University. She is the author of Good Wives: Image and Reality in the…

Complete Poems of Robert Frost – Robert Frost

Complete Poems of Robert Frost – Robert Frost

The only comprehensive gathering of Frost’s published poetry, this affordable volume offers the entire contents of his eleven books of verse, from A Boy’s Will (1913) to In the Clearing (1962). Frost scholar Lathem, who was also a close friend of the four-time Pulitzer Prize-winner, scrupulously annotated the 350-plus poems in this collection. Flinty, moody,…

Mightier Than the Sword – Reynolds

Mightier Than the Sword – Reynolds

Uncle Tom’s Cabin is likely the most influential novel ever written by an American. In a fitting tribute to the two hundredth anniversary of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s birth, Bancroft Prize-winning historian David S. Reynolds reveals her book’s impact not only on the abolitionist movement and the American Civil War but also on worldwide events, including…