The Meursault Investigation – Kamel Daoud
The Meursault Investigation
He was the brother of “the Arab” killed by the infamous Meursault, the antihero of Camus’s classic novel. Seventy years after that event, Harun, who has lived since childhood in the shadow of his sibling’s memory, refuses to let him remain anonymous: he gives his brother a story and a name—Musa—and describes the events that led to Musa’s casual murder on a dazzlingly sunny beach.
Kamel Daoud is an Algerian writer and journalist. He currently edits the French-language daily Le quotidien d’Oran, for which he writes a popular column, “Raïna Raïkoum” (Our Opinion, Your Opinion). The column often includes commentary on the news. Daoud was born in Mostaganem, Algeria on June 17, 1970, the oldest of six children, Daoud studied French literature at the University of Oran. He is a father to two children (the eldest, a son, the youngest, a daughter) and dedicated his novel The Meursault Investigation to them.